- Miss Pandora aka Louise
- Mode opératoire
- Picked Pics
- Play like a girl
- punky b
- Sally Jane Vintage
- Sea of shoes
- She's a Betty
- Smartie Sisters
- Style Bubble
- Style Bytes
- sushi pedro
- Tokyobanhbao
- Toupie
- This is Naive
- Underbaracla
- Le Vestiaire de Clé
- 3 copines et la mode
- Fashion box
- Fashion Flux
- Flora's box
- Laurel
- Tundra style
- Café Mode
- Creature comforts
- She's lost control again
- Nanikaa
- Coco cerise
- Copenhagen cycle chic
- Amlul
- Angie
- Balibulle
- Le blog de betty
- chic and cheap
- Ahyiyi
- Childhood Flames
- Cily
- Diane et ses hiboux
- dreamcho
- Alix, the cherry blossom girl
- Elinkan
- Et pourquoi pas coline
- Fashion Squad
- Fashion Toast
- La Fée
- Frieda, revue de presse d'hier, mode d'aujourd'hui
- Galliane
- Garance Doré
- ithaa
- Karla's closet
- Kenza
- Kingdom of Style
- Lookbook
- Maize
- MarieLuvPink, les super bons plans
- Maroual
- La méchante